BMA Sessional GP Newsletters

December 2018

Content: Blogs: Where do sessional GPs fit in? Are you being paid what you're worth? Capita and the NHS Pensions fiasco - Part 9. A Tale of Two LMCs. Your Career: Free module: Child protection - physical abuse. A dry chronic cough. Your Benefits: Financial advice for doctors and more...

November 2018

Content: Blogs: Pensions, annualisation and winter indemnity: November 2018 update for sessional GPs. Winter Indemnity Scheme: An essential guide. SARs and PCSE- the 400 day journey. Your guidance: Self care and patient empowerment. Your career: Negotiating and influencing free BMJ module. Leadership masterclass 22nd November 2018 and more... 

October 2018  

Content: Blogs: Top tips for salaried GPs. Capita and the pension fiasco part 8. GP Partnership review interim report. Your Career: Free BMJ modules - Preparing for retirement or a reduced role. Presenting skills and more... 

September 2018

Content: Blogs: Medical indemnity guidance for sessional GPs. Pay uplifts and the DDRB process. A day in the life of a Scottish GP. Your Career: How to be a successful locum GP. Leadership and Management BMA Masterclass and more... 

August 2018

Content: Blogs: Government's pay deal falls short. Capita and the NHS Pension Fiasco - what is going on? Your Career: Improve your communication skills. Adult Safeguarding Ethics toolkit and more...

July 2018

Content: Blogs: Update from your chair - DHSC review of the Partnership Model. General Practice in Europe: Listening and Learning. New clinical roles in the NHS - guidance. Robots taking over? Let's learn how to use email first. Your Career: Adult Safeguarding Ethics toolkit. Maintain your employability. 

June 2018

Content: Blogs: Supporting GPs with less clinical work. Sessional GP guidance on NHS Pensions and Capita. Hundreds of GP closures expected as Forward View falls short. GMC could lose power to appeal fitness to practise decisions. Diversion to early diagnosis. Your Career: Time management masterclass. Improve your working relationships. 

May 2018

Content: Blogs: The louder our voice, the more we will be listened to. Sessional GPs guidance on on NHS Pensions and Capita. How do you feel when you phone in sick? Visa cap restricts hiring of doctors.Your Career: Free BMJ Module - Motivational Interviewing in brief consultations. Leadership Masterclass.

April 2018

Content: Blogs: How we are tackling the workforce crisis. Pensions: Where are we? Deportation of GP trainee 'defies belief' Alternatives for your portfolio: emergency department GP. Your Career: Free BMJ module: Lumps, bumps and sarcomas. Your Events: Maintaining wellbeing at work masterclass. Leadership Masterclass. 

March 2018  

Content: Blogs: Why Sessional GPs need their LMC, Strategy for a safe workload, GMC commitments following Bawa-Garba ruling. Your Career: Quick neurological exam for primary care. Your Events: Expert witness conference and more... 

February 2018

Content: Blogs: What does the Bawa-Garba ruling mean for Sessional GPs? Capita and the NHS Pension fiasco - Part six. Maternity leave : your questions answered. Choosing an online consulting system. Your Career: Fever in under 5s: Putting guidelines into practice. Your Events: Time management and taking control. London. 12 March and more...

January 2018

Content: Blogs: How sleep deprivation affects GPs. E-consulting guidance. Alternative careers: working as an appraiser. Survey: What is your engagement with the LMC? (For Sessional GPs and GP Trainees) and more... 

November 2017

Content: Blogs: New challenges for Sessional GPs : A new GP app. Guidance for working under new models of care. GPC plans to save General Practice. The Sessional GPs hub is now live. Alternative careers: My life as a forensic examiner and more...

October 2017

Content: Blogs: Indemnity - the devil is in the detail. The latest on Capita and Pensions. Extended access hubs: key questions to ask. Help challenge death in service injustice. Doctors' notes: a new podcast by the BMA. Sessional surgery: Annualisation and your pension. Are you on the right contract? and more... 

September 2017 

Content: Blogs: Will practices close their patient lists? Help for GPs under pressure - The NHS GP Health Service  Sessional soundbites: The pros and cons of locum work. Guidance: Getting to grips with appraisal and revalidation. Top ten tips for working parents and more...