About us

We represent every GP in Calderdale, regardless of contractual status, supporting and informing on all matters relating to Primary Care.

For any questions or information requests please contact the LMC Director of Operations, Marcus Beacham on marcus.beachamlmc@nhs.net

The LMC continues to develop an operational support team that has been established to enhance our ‘representation’ function for general practice in Calderdale. This team is integral to the organisation and is provided to ensure day to day management of our core functions, this also includes increasing the influence of general practice across the health system.

To ensure sustainability for the team, a five-year business plan has been developed and agreed. Additionally, a programme of work has been established that is owned by the LMC executive and detailed in our ‘workstreams plan’.

The full structure of our LMC is detailed as shown:

LMC Structure V1 2023


The purposes for the current support roles are:


Director of Operations

The LMC Director of Operations is the senior executive officer for Calderdale LMC who is responsible for the leadership and coordination of the LMC Support Team. This includes responsibility for the key functions required by the Company Secretary of a Limited Company. The role is responsible for providing leadership on business planning, liaison, communication, representation and support service management. The role works closely with the Chair and Medical Secretary and is included as a member of the LMC Executive team with a responsibility for non-clinical matters.


Liaison Project Officer

The key purpose of the role is to support the Director of Operations in the delivery of the work programme. Other key functions include being responsible for keeping GPs and practice teams informed of current issues relating to primary care and beyond, to develop and provide communications of important messages, producing regular guidance and maintaining the LMC website. The role requires representation of the LMC where appropriate at meetings across partners, stakeholders and organisations as agreed.