Issuing Death Certificates where the doctor has not seen the patient in the 14 days prior to death
Covid19 Death Certification Guidance
Lastest Update on use of Crem Form 4 - Published February 2021
The Coroner's Office have recently advised the LMC of the following:
In the case of deaths where the doctor has not seen the body in the 14 days leading to death and even when the death is expected and the doctor is satisfied of the course of death, the NEW advice by the Coroner is to run the death by them by phone on 01274 373721.
It will probably be that they will say OK to proceed but it is always best to discuss as the 14 days is a legal requirement.
Advice from Calderdale Register Office is to then document on the reverse page (not the front page) of the certificate as referred to coroner – but write in ink in the box “no further action required” and initial it.
Published 17th December 2018