Important - Key Worker Testing in Calderdale

Access criteria is now as follows;

The Community Drive-Through Self Swabbing resource will respond to ‘essential’ key workers or index cases;

From day 1 symptomatic (up to day 5) and meet the case definition with mild to moderate Covid 19 symptoms and are currently self-isolating for 7 days and off work ; Or

From day 1 symptomatic (up to day 5) and are a family member (aged 12 or over) of these ‘essential’ staff groups who are currently displaying Covid 19 symptoms, resulting in the ‘essential’ staff member self-isolating for 14 days. The index case refers to the household member who first displayed symptoms; And

Are well enough to travel independently in their own household car (no public transport or taxis to be used)

The requirement to be symptomatic for a period of 48/72 hours has been withdrawn. This now means that as soon as an employee rings their employer to say they are symptomatic they can be referred with their permission to Locala SPOC for a test appointment to be booked for them.

A single point of contact in your organisation needs to be identified who will be submitting the list to Locala. This single point of contact will also be used to send a daily report on confirmation the staff member has been booked into an appointment or not. As personal details are being sent this must be to/from a secure email address. If the nominated keyworker has not been able to be contacted, this would be highlighted to the employing organisation on the report back from Locala and the employing organisation is responsible for contacting their key worker before adding them to the referral list again.

Results of the test are sent directly to the keyworker by text or email and are not shared with Locala, employer or the CCG. It is for the employing organisation to agree a process to have an update from their employee when they have their result and agree any further course of action (return to work, continue isolation etc)

The minimum message partners need to give out to their staff is as follows;

You have been identified as a keyworker eligible for a Covid-19 test

Your contact details have been passed to Locala who are coordinating testing booking across Calderdale Kirklees and Wakefield

Locala will be contacting you to arrange a test which will take place initially at; Kings Cross Fire Station in Halifax, Greenhead College in Huddersfield or Fieldhead Hospital in Wakefield. This contact will show as a 0303 telephone number on your mobile phone.

The test will be at a drive through facility where you will remain in your car and test yourself before handing the test back to site staff

You will register on a website on your own smart phone before leaving the site to receive your test result directly

template below needs to be completed by partners and returned to Locala at by noon of the day prior to testing, although we would try and accommodate same day testing where possible. If you are able to prioritise your staff on the list so we can allocate available slots accordingly across all partners. organisation column is the type of organisation the employer falls in to (e.g. Primary Care, Acute trust, Social Care, Hospice etc) whereas the Caseload column is for the name of the service (e.g. Name of Surgery, Name of acute trust, social care team or care provider, name of hospice etc) If it is a household member of a Keyworker to be tested could this be included in the “Any other comment” column.

We still need to prioritise our colleagues at the acute trusts and at YAS but would hope to be able to accommodate all requests in a timely manner.

Staff should not attend the testing stations if they are too unwell to do so or if they do not have a pre-booked appointment

Should you have any enquiries please contact Rhona Radley at Calderdale CCG; ​​​​​​​