Collaboration news


Smoking Cessation – it was noted that the Alliance was in conversation with SWYPFT around this service, although no agreement had been reached as yet.  Payment would be per patient rather than payment by results.  It was hoped that the contract could be rolled on three months or to the end of December until a solution was found.

Sexual Health – it was noted CHFT had won the contract and a commencement date was awaited.

Pharmacy Bid – it was noted that a potential partnership with Rycroft was being considered.  The bid would need to be innovative and different and not core work.  Practices need to consider wider scope for pharmacists by asking patients what they would like from pharmacists.                



Members welcomed to the meeting Mr John Tacchi, recently appointed as Chief Executive of the GP Alliance. GPs in Calderdale were invited to general meetings in June and October to test the appetite for formal collaboration.  There was overwhelming support from attendees and we in the process of gathering informed views from practices during November and December.  This will culminate in a meeting in early January where that feedback will be collated and shared.  At this point we envisage that some key decisions will need to be made.


The reasons for collaborating as part of an Alliance, Federation or whatever we decide to call it are myriad, but we want to ensure that we are doing it for the right reasons and in a way that can includes everyone that wants to be.  GPs also want to preserve their practices' individuality and autonomy.

Practices are arranging visits with Will Menzies, project lead.  He can be contacted via email at 

Advantages to working together include:

Practices become the navigators and coordinators of care for patients; controlling the effective use of resources for current services and work collaboratively to develop new community-based ones
Better use of resources;  cost sharing agreements;  increased access to wider patient populations thereby increasing income and improving profitability
Collective strength, being attractive to commissioners through having access to larger cohorts of patients and a larger geographical area.

Further information on collaborating and more reasons why we are exploring this can be found in the following links:

GPC Guidance for GPs :

NHS England's Call to Action for GP Practice: