LMC Minutes January 2018


Topics discussed: 

CHFT regarding winter pressures

Delayed discharges 

Phlebotomy for children aged 10-12 years - Helen Barker advised they can go to Paediatrics who can supply emla cream or administer the spray for phlebotomy use. GPs will not be required to prescribe these. 

Lymphoedema bloods

Darbopoeitin prescribing 

Pink forms for District Nurses 

Incorrect information on Discharge Summary 

Group exercise on the development of Calderdale LMC 

CCG update on enhanced services - The 2 services that will be stopping are cervical polyps and h.pylori

Meeting with Locala 

Practice Managers Development Five Year Forward View 

NHSE funding for LMC for Practice Managers 

Dates of upcoming meetings 

SMS - The CCG will be picking up the cost of this for this year but from next year practices will be given their figures from the beginning of the year. Any overspend will be the responsibility of the Practice to pay for. 
