LMC Minutes February 2018


Topics discussed: 

Flu patients - Helen Barker, CHFT asked to audit if the patients admitted with the flu were immunised with the flu vaccine 

Lymphoedema bloods - not appropriate for phlebotomists - should be lymphoedema nurses taking these

Darbopoeitin - GPs should pass requests to prescribe back to the requester

Pink forms for DNs - CHFT looking at DNs being able to use the original prescription as instructions to administer as DNs already do in Kirklees 

Meeting with Local re access to records 

Path Stores requests - practices with any issues should contact Sarah Ramsden, General Manager, to sort them directly 

Delayed discharge summaries 

Development of Calderdale LMC workshop general themes - Communication to GPs 

Website Update 

LMC Buying Group 

NHSE funding for Practice Managers 

Practices not receiving third party smear information 

Electronic referral to the coroner 

Lead provider status for GP trainees 

Dr Bawa-Garba Ruling 

Accessible Standards Assurance 


Collaborative fees for mental health 

Updates from meetings - Job Fair and LMC Roadshow 

Upcoming Meetings 



Published 27th March 2018