LMC Minutes December 2017


Topics discussed: 

Interpreting Services - Who commissions and who to report to if any problems to be clarified

Hepatitis B Heel Prick Tests - Not contractual for GPs. Dr Loh to liaise with Public Health 

Bus Pass forms

Implications of changes from PIP to Universal Credit 

Gram- Negative Bloodstream Infections - Information required by Public Health - May be able to access via EPR

Collaborative Fees

CHFT issues - Delayed discharge summaries, Phlebotomy for Children changes

CCG - Consultation of on whether low value drugs should be prescribed. A survey has been sent out. Over 75s Enhanced Services funding was non-recurrent and will be discontinued, PMS monies to allocate, Third party prescription ordering - The CCG have asked pharmacies to stop ordering for patients. The practice and pharmacy can agree exceptions e.g care homes. 

Lymphoedema bloods 


CAMHS referral now via a portal

Lead Employers Service 


Orders from pathology 

Locala access to EMIS issues

Ibandronic Acid - Helen Foster has updated that the Trust has been reminded of their obligation to counsel the patient and do the first prescription and this should be documented so that the GP is aware it has been done.

Darbopoeitin prescribing - This should be a red drug until further guidance is received. 

Correspondence - regarding Locala Health Visitor services