Acute Kidney Injury

Date published: 23/09/2015

Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)


 It was noted that AKI was a national CQUIN.  Members expressed concern at the status recorded on discharge summaries ie the consequences of co-morbidity and diagnosis of AKI and the follow-up U&Es in two weeks on the discharge letter. If the patient recovered from an AKI in hospital they would be discharged to see their GP in two weeks.  If they were not recovered they would stay in hospital.  It was felt that two weeks was a tight turnaround for providing the follow-up work and left GPs vulnerable. A different wording recommending repeat U&Es should be used without the timescale. It would help primary care if CHFT could discharge the patient with a blood request form. There was also reliance on the GP to take action on the discharge letter, which was considered to be inherently unsafe as the test result should go back to the person requesting the test.

  Dr Birkenhead advised members that the National algorithm was being followed and if changes were made it would impact on CHFT colleagues as well as general practice, therefore the consequences of any change would need to be fully understood. Any comments should be forwarded to Dr Birkenhead and he would discuss with Dr Mansoor Ali, Renal Physician.  Dr Azeb agreed to circulate information to GPs on the AKI score/stage.